Autumn is here, but the weather in Taiwan is so warm. The ultraviolet ray is so strong like in summer. The strong sunlight make vegetables become very soft some of them are even wither. So farmers cover the 50% or 60% black shading net hastily for the plants.

To resist the extreme weather on the earth and create a better environment for plant, we decide two different kinds of rid weave shading net (orchid net). It allow different blue and red light ratio to get into the greenhouse.

If you use magenta PR0910, your vegetables will not wither.

You can use PR1210 as substitute 50% or60% black shading net if you grow pineapple; your pineapple will become sweeter, and taste better.

Magenta PR1210 is designed for fruit.

Magenta PR0910 is designed for vegetables.


Please refer to the diagram, which shows the comparison of transmission rate of magenta net and 50% and 60% black net.

The part that magenta net is over the black net shows the magenta net cause more diffusion light.

And you can see the valley of the magenta net data, which mean it block the green light (500nm-600nm). Plants doesn’t need it to exceed photosynthesis.
